Y-CGMed Registration / SECV Congress 2022

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The Y-CGMed, (Workshop for Young Researchers in Ceramics and Glasses for Medical Applications), on May 5-6 will be held with as a parallel international event for LVIII SECV Congress. For this we have prepared a table of joint rates for participation in both congresses. If you just want to attend one of the congresses, you can consult the individual rate tables.

Likewise, in order to continue providing greater benefits to our members or ECerS members, we maintain a preferential rate for them. If you want to become a member, we offer you rates that include the annual membership fee and the conference fee, applying the corresponding discount.

If you have any questions regarding these rates or how to become a member, do not hesitate to write to us at secv@secv.es.

Información adicional


Y-CGMed, SECV Congress 2022, Y-CGMed+SECV Congress 2022

Type of Participant

Senior Proffesionals, Young Proffesionals<40, Students, Online

Type of Registration

SECV/ECerS Member, Non members + SECV anual fee, Non members
