
Del 24 al 28 de febrero, CVSM25 reúne lo mejor del sector cerámico, equipamiento para baño y piedra natural. Explora diseño, sostenibilidad,

INSUPCORR 2025 Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Superficies y de la Corrosión
Este primer Congreso tiene como objetivo básico el volver a reunir a la comunidad académica e industrial de ambos lados del Atlántico

REI-22 22nd International Conference in Radiation Effects on Insulators
Since the first REI conference in Arco, Italy, in 1981, REI has been the international forum held every two years to present

The XIXth Conference of the European Ceramic Society
The 19th Conference of the European Ceramic Society (ECerS) will take place from August 31 to September 4, 2025, at the International

18th European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes – FEMS EUROMAT 2025
The Organizing Committee and the Managing Committee are already working to design an attractive program focusing the last advances in Materials Science

Electrophoretic Deposition VIII: Fundamental and Applications
This conference follows from the success of the first seven international conferences on Electrophoretic Deposition: Fundamentals and Applications, organized under sponsorship of